Deloitte Connected Supply Chain Visual Identity

The global supply chain is crucial for success for many of our clients relying on JIT delivery and highly efficient production plants like the automotive industry. However, recent disruptions have exposed vulnerabilities, leading to production cutbacks and factory shutdowns. Companies must consistently monitor and optimize their supply chain processes to address these challenges. Deloitte provides […]
Deloitte GNOSIS Visual Identity

Deloitte’s GNOSIS is pioneering the future of market intelligence. It combines a high-quality data lake with the latest in machine learning and large language models, paired with advanced analytics. by Chris Nasso

AI Generated Hero Images For this project I explored the boundless potential of Midjourney, wielding its text-to-image magic to breathe life into fantastical arrangements of food. But the journey doesn’t end there. Photoshop steps in as my digital paintbrush, adding layers of detail, texture, and human touch to transform these raw creations into polished imagery. […]